Capping Station Solution
This product is specifically formulated to keep ink in a wet state. It will help to prevent exposed components from drying out, especially in low humidity conditions. It is recommended to be used daily and applied to all waste ink parts, after cleaning with cleaning solution. This includes wiper blade(s), capping station, cleaning carts or pads. Note: capping station solution is not intended to be jetted through the print head.
Capping station solution is an excellent product for maintaining humidity in capping stations over night. Apply 5-10ml of capping station solution to the capping station before parking the printhead. Avoid pooling.
Cleaning Solution
This is a strong solvent cleaning solution. It can be used to remove congealed ink from printer parts such as wiper blade(s), capping station and outside surfaces of printheads.
It can be used to recover clogged nozzles.
Minor clogs - Soak printhead on carriage. Place a well-soaked, lint-free cloth under the printhead for up to 24 hrs.
Major clogs - Used to bathe printhead that has been removed from the printer. Completely clean outside of printhead. Soak printhead faceplate only in cleaning solution bath. Perform reverse water fall to draw cleaning solution into the head. Let sit. Repeat as necessary. Push cleaning solution into the manifold to waterfall the head and check for clear nozzles. Do not soak longer than 24hrs unless head is otherwise considered unrecoverable (last resort).
Cleaning solution can be used to clean entire ink train when loaded into ink cartridges. Power clean every few hours over an 8-hour period. Reinstall ink or flushing solution. Do not leave cleaning solution in the ink train for longer than 24rs. Can be used up to 72hrs for last chance printhead recovery.
Flushing Solution
This is a mild solvent solution.
General purpose for daily removal of fresh ink.
Can be used to flush after cleaning solution treatment.
Used as separation barrier in the ink train when changing inks from two different vendors.
Used for long term storage in printer ink train.